Soft Tissue Surgery
Done Right The First Time
VelVet Surgical Services is a surgical service for the Greater Chicago area that can provide a variety of soft tissue surgeries on site like Splenectomy, Perineal Urethrostomy and Caesarean. All surgeries are on an individual basis, including urgent candidacy for surgery or medical conditions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if any specific concerns exist.
We can perform the following soft tissue surgeries
- Gastric Dilatation Volvulus, Bloat (Medical Stabilization/Surgical Repair)
- Caesarean section
- Pyometra
- Hemoabdomen Stabilization/Splenectomy
- Perineal Urethrostomy Cats
- Gastro-intestinal Foreign Bodies-Resection and Anastamosis
- Enucleation
- Tumor Removal
- Cystotomy and Urethrotomy
- Gallbladder
Gastric Dilatation Volvulus GDV Bloat/ Gastropexy
Gastric dilatation volvulus, also known as gastric distension, rotated stomach, or torsion, is a medical condition that affects deep chest dogs in which the stomach becomes overstretched and twisted by excessive gas or food content. The word bloat is often a general term for gas distension without stomach torsion, or to refer to GDV. Bloat is a life-threatening condition in large dogs that requires immediate treatment. Morbidity rates in dogs range from 10 to 60 percent, even with appropriate treatment. With surgery, the mortality rate is 15 to 33 percent still.One of the best prevention of developing bloat is performing prophylactic gastropexy. The stomach is tacked to abdominal body wall permanently preventing future rotating.Caesarean section
A C-section, is major surgery performed to deliver puppies from the uterus through incision. This is commonly performed as an emergency basis when there is difficulty with natural birth. Most dogs recover quickly from this surgery however, if your dog was in labor for several hours before surgery was done, her recovery will be delayed, and she will need extra attention at recovery with her puppies.Pyometra Surgery
Pyometra exists when an intact female uterus fills with purulent contents. This infection is life threatening if it is not untreated. Two types of pyometra are known; open and closed pyometra. This distinction is based on whether is draining out or not. If closed, the cervix is secured, and the course of the illness is short and more dangerous if open, the drainage of pus helps keep the toxins level down.Pyometra develops after a uterus abnormality like endometrial hyperplasia occurs, so it is usually seen in middle-aged and older animals, especially in those that have been kept intact but have not had litters. Typically 2-4 weeks after normal pet cycle is the high risk of developing pyometra.
Hemoabdomen Stabilization Splenectomy
Dog’s with hemoabdomen have a large amount of blood within the abdominal wall and between abdominal organs like stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and the gallbladder. Hemoabdomen in dogs can be dangerous and sometimes fatal. Patients with nontraumatic hemoabdomen are usually old dogs. The higher incidence of nontraumatic hemoabdomen found in Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers. Most importantly is to remain calm if your pet is showing symptoms of hemoabdomen and see a veterinarian as soon as possible. You should contact the veterinarian’s office or emergency facility and make them aware of the situation immediately. It is easier to have another person to help get your pet into the car for transport. Be aware that even the sweetest, well trained dog can bite you if he is stressed, confused and painful. Hemoabdomen, hemoperitoneum refers to blood within abdominal cavity.P/U Cats
Perineal Urethrostomy is a surgery for alleviating obstruction of usually male cats with obstructed feline lower urinary tract disease. Acute obstruction from stone or large crystals of the urethra, urgent surgery is live saver for the patient. Technique involves removal of penis and creation of urethrostomy, where large diameter of urethra prevents further obstructions. Sometimes chronic issues with urinating will require P/U as a quality of live improvement. After 2-3 weeks of post-op period on antibiotics, pain medicine and rarely short period of incontinence patients return to normal regular urine elimination.Gastro-intestinal Foreign Bodies-Resection and Anastomosis
Foreign bodies occur when pets swallow objects that will not always pass through the gastrointestinal tract. These items may be strings, a pet's or child's toy, leash, clothes, stick, or any other items that fails to pass, including food products such as bones or trash. The issues that are caused vary with the: period that the foreign body has been present in bowl, location of the foreign body in digestive system, level of obstruction that is caused by the object, problems associated with the material causing obstruction. Sometimes ingested items, made of lead material, can cause systemic toxicities while others may cause regional injury of the intestinal tract due to compression or obstruction.Gastro-intestinal foreign linear bodies, can often lead to perforation of the intestines and spillage of intestinal liquids into the abdomen. This condition easily leads to inflammation of the abdominal cavity called peritonitis and allows bacterial proliferation and contamination, which are both life-threatening complications called sepsis. Many small foreign bodies will pass, many will become lodged in the gastrointestinal tract and cause discomfort and make your pet very sick. Sometimes foreign bodies located in the stomach may be removed with the use of an endoscope however, most require surgical abdominal exploration. Occasionally, foreign objects will become obstruction in the esophagus at the base of the heart or at the diaphragm, which may require chest surgery. When portion of bowl needs to be removed because of severe damage, intestinal anastomosis is performed to preserve continuity of viable tissues. Recovery in hospital conditions is necessary for a few days after procedure.
Enucleation is surgery performed to remove eye when injury, primary or secondary glaucoma or intraocular neoplasia causing irreversible damage to vision.Sometimes complications could be possible when secretory tissues are left during surgery. This is often a issue with transconjuctival technique and can lead to cyst formation.Tumor removal
Surgical removal of large or malignant tumors associated with compromising quality of life, impairing walking or danger of metastasizing is common soft tissue surgery we provide for general practices when more experience attention is required. Your veterinarian will diagnose the condition that needs to be treated and then either perform the procedure or refer your pet to a our competency and recommendations. Pre-surgical fine aspirates or biopsies may be necessary before decision for surgical removal of masses.Cystotomy and urethrotomy
A cystotomy in dogs is surgery that involves creating an opening in the wall of the urinary bladder. This type of procedure is used to treat a number of pet conditions, but is also performed to diagnose a problem that other diagnostic tests could not reveal. Surgical cystotomy on a patient is to collect a biopsy, conduct an exploratory, or to treat an identified issue such as a tumor, bladder stones and urethral obstructions. The total operation usually last an hour and the patient may be hospitalized for two to three days postoperative. In some cases lodged stone in urethra needs to be removed directly from that location via urethrotomy. Prognosis with these type of soft tissue interventions is typically very good, but regular checks with your veterinarian are strongly suggested.Gallbladder
A gallbladder mucocele is the distention of the gallbladder by an excessive accumulation of mucus.Decreased bile flow, decreased gallbladder wall motility, and altered absorption of water from the gallbladder are predisposing factors to biliary sludge accumulation. Bile sludge may be a precipitating factor for the development of patient biliary mucoceles. Involving inflammation of the wall and changes to the lining of the gallbladder likely changing the consistency of its secretions.
Excessive secretion of mucus leads to an accumulation of thick gelatinous bile within the gallbladder. Increased viscosity over a period of time leads to thick gelatinous material eventually occupying the entire lumen of the gallbladder and in some cases also being present in the ducts. The inciting cause of mucus hypersecretion is likely multifactorial and may be linked to certain diseases, such as:
Cushing’s disease (hyperadrenocorticism)
Inflammatory bowel disease
Certain genetic predispositions may also play a role as Shetland sheepdogs were recently shown to be highly predisposed to gallbladder disease.